Can Christians Practice Yoga?
CrossYoga’s Theological Principles
We occasionally hear from people in the church community who express concern about whether yoga can be a Christian practice. We use modern postural yoga as a tool for cultivating and deepening one’s relationship with God. The following are the most central points in what constitutes CrossYoga's theological principles.
Every human being is created by God in love and for love. Therefore, God wants a relationship with us.
We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves. It requires basic respect for all people.
Man is a holistic creature with body, soul, mind, and spirit.
We believe in the Almighty Creator as expressed in the Triune God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is the way to salvation.
We believe in human growth and development through Jesus Christ.
CrossYoga is an ecumenical and interfaith movement.
For an in-depth explanation of each point, you can click below.
Want to go in-depth with the origin of Yoga, Yoga philosophy, and Theology?
‘Learning CrossYoga - A Guide to Christian Yoga’ is one of the most thorough books you can find on these topics. Rie Skårhøj, together with two pastors, wrote the chapter on ‘Yoga Philosophy and Christian Perspectives.
Purchase the book on the Amazon site near you.