Registration for Module 2 - 200 hour training We are so happy that you want to sign up! Name * First Name Last Name E-mail * Address & Country * Mobile Country (###) ### #### Why would you like to do this training? * Just a few words How much experience do you have with yoga? * E.g: Practiced for years or just started Write a bit about yourself (familiy, job, interests) * Do you have any injuries that the teachers need to know of? Things that might influence your yoga practice Where did you get information about CrossYoga? (friend, online, Youtube e.g.) * If it was through a CrossYoga instructor, please write it here Do you have any food restrictions that we need to know of? * About payment * I would like to pay it all at once I would like to spilt the payment in half Yes, I would like to sign up for CrossYoga' monthly newsletter * Yes, please No thank you Thank you! We’ll get back to you!Please make your deposite payment.