Meet Ennette Lainchbury (UK)

Imago Dei means ‘God’s image’

Your life has purpose and meaning

Hello friends, my name is Ennette. I just thought I’d share a bit about myself and my business.

Maybe the first thing to know about me is that I will always prefer a little video message or voice note over an email or text- can you tell already that I’m a big fat extrovert?! Haha any who, I just turned 30, but I’m still holding onto my twenties for dear life and yet still feeling just a little too jaded and old, to be classed as a young millennial anymore!!

The heart behind IMAGO DEI Wellbeing & Yoga is that your life has purpose and meaning because God has made you to be like Himself. It means that your life has intrinsic value, not simply because of who you are as an individual, but because of who He is. It means that your life is sacred because He has stamped His identity upon yours. Every time we step onto our mats it is an opportunity to soak our souls in these truths, to live into our belovedness. It’s genuinely been a decade long dream of mine to bring Christ-centered mindfulness into the physical practice of yoga I like to think of it as moving meditation: calming the mind, soothing for the soul, good for your body. Mindful movement, mindful living. So “imago dei”… what is it, what does it mean? It is latin and the literal translation is: God’s image.

In the Christian faith it encapsulates the principle that we are made in the image of God. We are creatures, fearfully and wonderfully made created beings, we are not the source, and we are not the answer. Yoga is not the answer, nor is it a means to an end. If we want to know who we are or how to live well and whole, we need to go back to the Creator; to go back to the meaning for which we were made. Yoga is just one of many tools that we can use to find the time and cultivate a space in which to create an opportunity to encounter the presence of God: moving meditation if you will.

A little more about me: I’m thirty years old and although I live in Nottingham, England and have spent the last 17years in England; I was born in Zimbabwe and spent the most significant parts of my childhood and early adolescence in Kenya and South Africa. African blood beats in my veins and I just LOVE warm weather!! I studied Law at university in Nottingham where I met my husband; (however, it would be another 7 years before we dated and were actually friends as opposed to loosely connected “friends of friends", buuuut that’s another story for another bio maybe haha). I may be married to the best human being in the whole world (truly) but his one flaw is that he won’t let us have a dog, even though he loves them just as much as I do!! (Pray for me).

To keep up to date and find out more about Imago Dei Wellbeing & Yoga head over to the instagram page: @imagodeiwellbeing, website or on YouTube at ImagoDie Wellbeing.

Comment, like, share - basically just get in touch! I'd love to hear from you and how you're doing, especially if you've always wanted to try yoga but aren't too sure how to integrate it with your already existing faith.

Ennette became a CrossYoga instructor in 2021.


Marcel Bot (Netherlands) The Yoga Loft